An Art Quiz –
1. Which painter?
· Which painter had a raven who could imitate his voice?
· Which painter lived on a diet of boiled eggs?
· Which painter drowned trying to retrieve his hat from the Tiber?
· Which painter was a monk, who eloped with a nun, Lucrezia Buti?
· Which painter was said to have been poisoned in Rome, in 1428, by some jealous rivals?
· Which painter was obsessed with seashore scenes from his childhood?
Hint – it is one of these artists!
Salvador Dali, Pietro Testa. Filippo Lippi, Il Sodoma, Piero di Cosimo, Masaccio,
2. Which of the artists above is the odd one out and why?
3. In paintings in the Italian Renaissance, 500 years ago, what did the following usually symbolise. For example a rainbow was a symbol of hope.
· Coral
· A book
· A clock
· An anchor
· A torch
Hint – choose from these!
Protection against illness or evil, learning, the passing of time, hope, life
4. Paintings of spring around the world.
Can you discover 5 paintings, from 5 different artists in 5 different countries that have spring in the title?
5. Design an uplifting cover for a book about spring – or a poster.
Good luck and have fun with this quiz. Answers to follow in a day or two!
Please email me with any of your designs! I'd love to see them.