Today I will be trundling up to London to the Princess Anne theatre at the BAFTA headquarters. This time, I won't be collecting an award, it's true, but maybe one day!
Today I'm going to the 'Showcase of Young Adult and Children’s Media script extracts by emerging UK writing talent' and I'm looking forward to seeing these screenplays acted out and discussed by #DanBerlinka of Shaun the Sheep fame and #AmyBuscombe a commissioning editor for children's drama.
My #SlugsOfDoom didn't make it this far, but I will keep working on it. To be honest, I'm none to keen on slugs and am considering replacing them with something altogether less sticky.
My story started out as a school project / production
- Harry Potting and the Slugs of Doom, where the school potting shed became the headquarters of 'Spy School'. But, Harry Potting was very much based on another character (bet you can't guess who), and had to go. The screenplay has gone through a number of transformations already, but I think there is much more to come!
